What on Earth is Going On?
Approximately 3 years ago I was awoken in the middle of
the night by the audible voice of God!
The words that I heard were “I am taking my Church from Hibernation into
Acceleration”. I held those words in my
spirit and thought on them many times, eventually producing a painting, which
closely represented how those words felt to me.
Two years later, I had another vision of an automobile gearshift being moved from 2nd gear to 6th gear, and could literally feel the tremendous propulsion that kind of shift would produce!
It has only been recently that I have been able to see the
two visions as part of the same framework.
Globally, things are changing so quickly that it is impossible for
anyone to ‘predict’ an outcome. We are
becoming acutely aware of the frailty of our present day economic systems and
find ourselves on the brink of Global economic collapse. Devastating earthquakes, flooding, tornados
and hurricanes are occurring on what seems like a daily basis placing even more
strain on an already unhealthy economy.
And how often do we hear people speak about ‘time flying by?’
Ah…the natural is speaking of the supernatural.
Attendance in traditional churches appears to be waning,
while the ‘house church’ movement is growing quickly. Perhaps we have been ‘hibernating’ for too
(hibernation – an inactive state resembling deep sleep in
which certain animals living in cold climates pass the winter. In hibernation, the body temperature is
lowered and breathing and heart rates slow down. Hibernation protects the animal from cold and
reduces the need for food during the season when food is scarce.”)
Perhaps we have become too comfortable, too dependent, too
sleepy, expecting a one hour service to teach our children, discipline our
teens and feed our spirits? Perhaps the
Lord is calling us out of hibernation and into Holy Spirit directed
acceleration? A common cry I am hearing is ‘we are looking for relationship
that is deeper than a quick hello on Sunday, or a community who really shares
and cares for one another and for the lost.
We are no longer comfortable paying for heat, light and a mortgage, but
we are passionate about giving our hearts and finances generously to local and
world missions, children at risk and the underpriviledged.”
So what is happening?
I have come to believe that God is accelerating His
church, the shift from 2nd to 6th gear is quick, and believers
are being compelled to move boldly outside of traditional walls and into the
community, into the schools, into the political arenas, into the arts, into
technology, into the slums, into the bars, both locally and in the nations,
bringing the authentic Jesus into the hearts of the lost and broken. And they are also looking for authentic
communities of healing, hope, restoration and wellness - small groups where
they can focus on Jesus alone, study His word, rest in His presence, grow in
their gifts and worship together.
In the west we still have the freedom to meet together and
to openly share the good news, and believers are coming up with amazingly
creative ways to infiltrate all areas of society with salt and light in these
times. This next season can have the
potential to be one of the brightest moments for believers to bring the reality
of Christ who saves and heals to thousands that would never enter the doors of
a traditional church.
Welcoming the acceleration and the shift!!!
Isaiah 42:9 “See, the former things have taken place, and the new things I declare; before they spring into being, I announce them to you.
Isaiah 43:19 “See, I am doing a new thing. Now it springs up, do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.”