Kardia Christian Community - it's the real thing!

Based in West Los Angeles California, is a vibrant. regional, multicultural Christian Community, with a heart to see believers and non-believers alike transformed into committed followers of Jesus Christ. 

The community is known as Kardia United Methodist Church and as the name ‘Kardia’ indicates, they are a people who seek the ‘heart change’ that a transformed life in Christ brings.  This community makes a yearly trek to Forest Home Retreat Center, about a 2-hour drive from downtown L.A.  This beautiful hideaway is tucked away in the foothills of a local mountain range and has a rich spiritual heritage including being the place where Billy Graham, as a young man, made his commitment to Christ.  I was pleased to be invited to teach on “Experiencing Holy Spirit” at their retreat in January of this year.

The pastor of this international community is a passionate young man by the name of Steve Kim. Steve is eager to learn more of Holy Spirit and is pastoring his people into the River of Life with a gentle and sincere hand.   Over the three days, many experienced a touch of Holy Spirit blessing for the first time in their Christian walk.  Ministry time followed each teaching session and during the break times, I noticed that they were also passionate about having fun as families! 

There was a large representation of youth at the retreat, and they were very responsive to and deeply touched by the ministry times.  David and Helen Chung, a couple with a great gift of hospitality, made sure I experienced an ‘In and Out’ hamburger (animal style!) and traditional Korean BBQ lunch in Korea Town, Los Angeles.

I really enjoyed my brief time with the believers of KUMC, and my glimpse into their expression of biblical community  - living with others through fellowship, hospitality, love, kindness and the willingness to help one another.  And I was personally very encouraged to see a great group of people so keen to learn more and experience more of Holy Spirit.

Psalm 55:14 
What good fellowship we once enjoyed 
as we walked together to the house of God

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