The Coming Shift

Two years ago, I was awoken in the middle of the night by the audible voice of the Lord and I heard the following – ‘hibernation to acceleration’! Nothing more - just three simple words. It didn’t take us long to realize what the Lord was saying to us - in many ways Jan and I had been in hibernation, taking cover after several years of incredible challenge and unrest, both in our personal lives and within our church community. To think that there would be acceleration in this confusing season was at first unnerving, however in hindsight just the encouragement we needed to push forward in a faith risk that would move us into a season of acceleration!
A few weeks ago I had another open vision of what looked like a gear shift from a car. This car had 6 gears but the shifter was resting in 2nd gear. Suddenly the gear shift moved through the next three gears to the 6th gear, initiating an exhilarating rush to acceleration!   Later as I thought about the vision, three things came immediately to mind.


  •  The Lord knows how much I love to drive a fast smooth running vehicle with a standard gear shift, and that this is a picture that I would easily connect with.
  • 2nd gear will only take a car up to 25 miles per hour before laboring or exploding, but shifting into 6th (overdrive) will allow you to drive fast, while relieving stress on the engine and consuming less fuel.
  • Automobiles often refer to ministry vehicles.

Personally, I am witnessing and hearing may reports of such a SHIFT taking place, throughout the Christian world. Believers and non-believers alike are expressing a deep longing for an authentic intimate relationship with Jesus. Many are exhausted, from being so busy ‘doing’ that they have forgotten the value of ‘being’ in God’s presence. And it is in that place of surrendered being, that we will begin to understand the authority that He has given us – the authority that heals the sick, sets free those in bondage, stops the storms and moves the mountains!


So for those of us who say 'yes' to rest, this SHIFT requires a change of schedule, a humble posture, a new boldness and expectation for MORE. Are you ready to embrace this awakening and acceleration? Are you ready to spend time with the Lord in a secret place - Holy Spirit is wooing and calling the Bride to meet with Him there.


Ps 118:8-9 It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man. It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in princes.

 Isa 43:19 See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.

Isa 42:9 See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being  I announce them to you."





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