
Showing posts from January, 2011

Kardia Christian Community - it's the real thing!

Based in West Los Angeles California, is a vibrant. regional, multicultural Christian Community, with a heart to see believers and non-believers alike transformed into committed followers of Jesus Christ .  

Is Korea on the Verge of Revival? Is North America?

When most Western Christians think of the Christian community in South Korea they immediately remember the name David Yonggi Cho, so well known for being the founding Pastor of Yoido Full Gospel Church in Seoul which is approximately made up of 800,000 thousand members. As well the reputation of many large churches ranging in size from 10,000 to 80,000 thousand members is now an integral part of the South Korean landscape. Of course the “Prayer Mountain” model is also well known in South Korea and continues to this day, as busloads of Koreans make a trek of prayer and fasting up to the Prayer Mountain locations on a regular basis interceding for their country.

S. Korea - He has provided a home away from home!

Six years ago, I heard the Lord speak to me about S. Korea. (see details under prophecy) I understood that He would open some doors for me to minister there, but I wasn’t expecting that He would provide me with such competent translators, new friendships, an understanding and love of the culture, a digestive system that would thrive with Korean food, and so many people who would look out for my well-being!